Have you just been hired? Are you changing job? Are you a student?

Different financial supports may help you.

Mobili-Pass support

Mobili-Pass support (or 1% logement) helps you cover some costs reliable to your relocation when you are hired or transferred.

Assistance of up to € 3,500 to relocate serenely:

A subsidy up to € 2,200 to cover the costs of Atlantic Expat Relocation.

And / or a 1% loan to pay for other mobility-related costs

For who ?

For any employee of a private, non-agricultural sector company with 10 or more employees, in a situation of professional mobility.

Under what conditions?

The distance between the old and the new residence must be more than 70 km

The employee must make the request 3 months before and up to 6 months after the date of hiring or transfer

The Mobili-Pass can only be granted once every two years

Payment is made on presentation of expense invoices

Other aids

Depending on your situation, other supports may finance your mobility. Some are cumulative. To know what supports may help you, contact our Atlantic Expat Relocation team.